Fan Surfer Goes Live!

My first endless runner game. I wanted the user to make a character on a fan fly. Birds seemed like the logical enemy choice here. Turns out that building an endless runner goes a lot quicker than a platformed, though of course the scope is much more limited. As I've been building my first game, I've realized it's incredibly important to limit scope and call it done. Scope creep is real in games. As I made the game I kept thinking things like "it would be cool and easy to add more birds of different colors, what if I make clouds spawn as obstacles?, maybe I should generate a flying-V bird pattern, etc." I finally punched myself in the face and reminded myself to keep it simple and ship. All of the YouTuber game devs seem to echo the same thing saying "I wish I had done more small projects when I was starting."
So here it is. Fan Surfer. Have fun. Nobody said the code was good enough that it doesn't ever trap you.
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